Team Campmor
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Enduro Rama Allamuchy
Enduro Rama is a time trial event that is a mix of Cross-country, Downhil and Trail riding. The race consists of 5 super technical individual time trials situated along a 12 mile loop. During the non timed sections, racers can ride with friends, wait for friends or just hang out. The laid back format attracted a mix of riders (85 to be exact) to come out and test their skills. Men and women's classes, and at the end, a king and queen were to be crowned. All proceeds went back to the trails. What is there not to like about this?
Team Campmor's 4 eldest members put this on their schedule for their weekly dose of thrills! Who says the fun ends after 50?
Team Results:
Ellen White - 2nd
Art White - 18th
Steve Wagoner - 33rd