New Jersey cyclocross racing made a stop a few miles from the Campmor store last Sunday. This was probably the closest race to my house that I have ever attended. I considered riding there, but bailed because of logistics. Good thing, because my efforts would have seemed non existent after finding out that Rob Lichtenwalner had ridden 80 miles each way from Philadelphia to race. The fall foliage was about perfect, and I was reminded that I live in a beautiful place.
It was a welcoming sight to arrive at a cross race and see so many familiar mountain bike faces, many of them new to racing cross. The Campmorians rocked out there as usual, with Laura winning the A women and Gavi from the store winning the A men. Good times racing and spectating!
- Ellen
Team Results:
Laura Winberry - 1st A women
Ellen White - 2nd B women
Art White - 2nd 55+ men